A support site for small businesses in Mayo

Avenir have created and launched “InThisTogether.ie” a not for profit website to allow small businesses and artisans to receive vouchers of support from their loyal customers and supporters.

What is www.inthistogether.ie?
Following the impacts of Covid-19 many small businesses, artists, creators, trades people etc with loyal customers and supporters have been suddenly unable to earn a living and the few that can deliver their services via online tools, are ill-equipped to receive payments digitally from their customers. This website addresses this problem quickly and simply and is free to use.

How does it work?
Any business or individual can create a free account on the web site. This will create a listing for their business on www.inthistogether.ie which they can share to their customers and followers who can then buy “Vouchers of Support” for the business. Excluding standard payment processor fees, 100% of all payments go directly and automatically to each company.

What is a “Voucher of Support”?
It’s whatever you need it to be. It can be treated as a gift voucher to be redeemed at some point in the future or it can be simply a gift or token of support for a business at a time of great need.

Who can participate?
Anyone with an existing business or activity through which they generate income. While our focus is to help Irish businesses, any business regardless of location is free to use the site.

Why did we build this?
We’re not healthcare professionals or virologists but everyone has a part to play to contribute to the well being of our communities. We design and build web sites and felt this was one of the ways we could make a positive contribution.