If you run an established business or organisation, you understand that nothing in business stands still very long. Your customer’s requirements, your products, your costs and of course your competitors are evolving constantly. What worked for your business for the last ten years may not work now – and if it has. Working with an established brand often involves identifying whats aspects actually contribute to brand recognition and loyalty built up over the years and what aspects now appear dated, out of touch and detract from your hard-earned status. The vital thing here is an objective but informed view of your business and its presentation and this is something we believe we do very well. Clearly you understand your own business well or you wouldn’t have made it this far but its often a case of not seeing the “wood-effect logo with drop-shadow” for the trees – is it time to let your business move to the next level and entrust some aspects of that process to professionals? We’ll listen to your aspirations and concerns for the future, try to absorb your insights into what makes your sector tick, speak plainly (and frankly) at all stages. In the end we’re pretty sure that if you had doubts to begin with, you’ll wonder why you waited so long!